Jury Service
Please call 530-896-9772 for updates on your jury service.
The Jury trial scheduled in Willows on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 8:30 am has been vacated. Jurors scheduled for jury service on March 24, 2025, at 8:30 am or jurors who were granted a postponement, are excused and do not need to report.
The Jury trial scheduled in Willows on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 8:30 am is proceeding as planned. Jurors scheduled for jury service on March 25, 2025, at 8:30 am are required to report as summoned.
If you have questions regarding your jury service, please contact Jury Services at 934-6382.
Jury Information
Please call 530-896-9772 for updates on your jury service.
If you are summoned to appear, instructions on your summons will direct you to contact the court for confirmation of your appearance date. As trials are often resolved in advance, the court uses this process to provide last-minute information to jurors and, hopefully, only require as many jurors to appear as will be needed for selection.
If you have been summoned for jury service and need to: submit a hardship request; check your reporting information; or request a deferral to a future date or excusal from jury service, view our online Jury Services page
To better serve you, the Jury Office staff has compiled Frequently Asked Questions and other relevant information. Visit our FAQ page for more information.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities summoned for jury service. Contact the Jury Office prior to your jury service if you need accommodation.
Public Notice: Jury Scam Alert
The jury staff of the Superior Court of California, County of Glenn will never ask past or prospective jurors for financial details, credit card numbers, bank account or personal information like Social Security numbers. Please do not provide this type of information to anyone claiming to be associated with court’s Jury Office.
If you receive a telephone call, e-mail or other form of electronic communication from someone identifying himself or herself as a court employee and requesting your personal information related to jury service, please contact the fraud unit of your local police department immediately and the Jury Office at (530) 934-6382.
Jury Selection
You and others called for jury service will be taken into the courtroom. Names will be randomly called to take a seat in the jury box. Those not called will remain in the courtroom. The judge will state the names of the parties in the case and the names of the lawyers who will represent them. The judge will also tell you what the trial is about.
Next, the judge and the attorneys will question each of the people in the jury box to find out if you can be fair and impartial in this particular case.
One of the attorneys may “challenge you for cause.” This means the attorney will ask the judge to excuse you from the jury for a specific legal reason.
Each lawyer has an unlimited number of challenges for cause. Each attorney has the right to a certain number of peremptory challenges. That is, the attorney may ask that you be excused without giving any reason at all. If this happens, don’t take it personally; the lawyer is merely exercising a right given by law.
After the required number of jurors has been chosen, the jury panel is sworn to try the case.
The attorneys will make an opening statement to the jurors and then the presentation of evidence will be given. After all the evidence is given, the attorneys will make a closing statement. The judge will then instruct the jurors regarding their duties as a juror.
In the jury deliberation room, one person will be selected as the foreperson. He or she will lead the discussion and encourage everyone to join in. Don’t be afraid to speak up during these deliberations. The whole idea of a jury is to come to a decision after full and frank discussion based on calm, unbiased reasoning.
The Verdict
In your efforts to reach a verdict, keep in mind that you should consider only the evidence that was presented in the courtroom. You should not guess or speculate about things not discussed in court, but you can draw reasonable conclusions from the evidence presented.
It is important to take the case you are deciding seriously. After all, if you were a party in the case, it would be important to you, and you would want the jury to give it serious consideration even if the controversy appears less significant to others.
All jurors should deliberate and vote on each issue to be decided in the case. When it is time to count votes, it is the foreperson's duty to see that this is done properly. In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict. In a criminal case, the unanimous agreement of all 12 jurors is required. If the required number of jurors agree on each issue to be decided, the foreperson will sign and date the verdict, advise the bailiff or court attendant, and return with the signed verdict and any unsigned verdict forms from prior votes to the courtroom.
If a jury cannot arrive at a verdict within a reasonable time and indicates to the judge that there is no possibility that they can reach a verdict, the judge, in his or her discretion, may dismiss the jury. This situation is a mistrial, sometimes referred to as a "hung jury," and may mean the case goes to trial again with a new jury.
When you have reached a verdict the foreperson will record your verdict on an official form. The bailiff will tell the judge you are ready and you will return to the jury box. The judge will ask if you reached a verdict. The foreperson will answer, handing the written verdict to the bailiff who in turn will hand it to the judge. The clerk will read the verdict aloud. Sometimes one of the parties will ask that the jury be polled. This means that the clerk will ask each juror if this is his or her own verdict. The jury service will then be complete.
Three Main Steps of a Jury Trial
California juries have been providing outstanding service and have set a high standard. The state of California and your trial judge thank you and all jurors for giving generously of your time and for taking jury service seriously.
Selection of a Jury
When a jury trial is about to begin, the trial court judge requests a panel of prospective jurors to be sent to the courtroom from the jury assembly room so that the jury selection process can begin. After reporting to a courtroom, the prospective jurors are first required to swear that they will truthfully answer all questions asked about their qualifications to serve as jurors in the case.
The perjury admonishment, which basically requires potential jurors to tell the truth when answering the questions, is read as follows:
"Do you, and each of you, understand and agree that you will accurately and truthfully answer, under penalty of perjury, all questions propounded to you concerning your qualifications and competency to serve as a trial juror in the matter pending before this court, and that failure to do so may subject you to criminal prosecution?
The court clerk calls 12 or more jurors to take seats in the jury box. The judge speaks to the jurors, telling them the names of the people involved in the case and their attorneys and stating what the case is about. The judge and the attorneys ask jurors questions to determine if the jurors are free of bias (prejudice) or whether there is any reason why any of them cannot be fair and impartial; this process is called voir dire. It is important to ask questions if you do not understand a question. Also, each juror is obligated to follow the law as explained by the judge; if you cannot follow the law, you need to let the judge know.
The law lets the judge and the lawyers excuse individual jurors from service in a particular case for various reasons. If a lawyer wants to have a juror excused, he or she must use a "challenge" to excuse the juror. Challenges can be for cause or peremptory. There are two types of juror challenges: a challenge for cause and a peremptory challenge. The process of questioning and excusing jurors continues until 12 persons are accepted as jurors for the trial. Alternate jurors may also be selected. The judge and attorneys agree that these jurors are qualified to decide impartially and intelligently the factual issues in the case. When the selection of the jury is completed, the jurors take the following oath:
"Do you, and each of you, understand and agree that you will well and truly try the cause now pending before this court, and a true verdict render according only to the evidence presented to you and to the instructions of the court?"
As a juror you should think seriously about the oath before taking it. The oath means you give your word to reach your verdict upon only the evidence presented in the trial and the court's instructions about the law. You cannot consider any other evidence or instruction other than those given by the court in the case before you. Remember that your role as a juror is as important as the judge's in making sure that justice is done.
The Trial
Jurors' duties during the trial:
Do not talk to others about the case. This responsibility requires that you not talk at all with the lawyers, witnesses, or anyone else connected with the case. The lawyers understand this rule. You will find that, even at the risk of seeming rude or unfriendly, the lawyers must avoid even casual conversation with you. In order to prevent even the appearance of improper conversation, a wise policy for you to follow is to avoid any contact with the lawyers or the parties. You also cannot talk to anybody about the case. There are important reasons for this: all cases must be decided only on the evidence presented in the courtroom. If you were to discuss the facts of the case or your impressions of it with your family, friends, or with any other person, you might hear their ideas and might be influenced by people who do not know all the facts. If you believe that someone has tried to speak to you about the case, you must report what happened to the judge by contacting the bailiff immediately.
Do not make up your mind before hearing all the evidence. It is also your duty not to form or express an opinion about the case to anyone. This means that you keep an open mind until you have heard the evidence from all sides and the case is given to the jury for deliberation. Only then may you discuss it with your fellow jurors and even then only when all jurors are present.
Do not conduct your own investigation of the case. It would also be a violation of your duty as a juror to conduct any investigation of the case. As a juror you must not become an amateur detective. For example, you must not visit the scene of an accident, an alleged crime, or any event or transaction involved in the case. You should not conduct experiments or consult any other person or reference works for additional information. If the judge feels that an inspection of a place is necessary or will be helpful, he or she will arrange and supervise an inspection by the whole jury. If you have a question about the evidence, let the judge know by handing a note to the bailiff and he or she will make a decision about your question.
Attorneys' opening statements: As the trial begins, the lawyer for the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case may make an opening statement telling you what they expect the evidence to show. The defendant's lawyer may also choose to give an opening statement after the plaintiff's attorney or prosecutor, telling you what the defense expects the evidence to show. The lawyers' statements are not evidence. Their purpose is to give you the framework of the case, the points of conflict, and the issues of the case that you will need to decide. Be careful that you do not let any of the information presented in the opening statements become evidence in your mind. Remember that the lawyers' statements are only their versions of what happened, not evidence.
Presentation of evidence: Evidence may be presented by the attorneys in the form of a written document or an object (a gun, another weapon, a photograph, an x-ray, or some other physical thing). These are called exhibits. Evidence may also include the testimony of witnesses under oath in the courtroom. Attorneys' closing statements: After all the evidence has been reviewed in court, lawyers for each side may present their final summary of the case, sometimes referred to as an argument. The lawyers can talk about reasons and make conclusions, but these are not evidence; they are efforts to persuade you. You should listen to these statements carefully and consider them thoughtfully, but you must form your own opinion about the outcome of the case based upon all evidence presented.
Judge's Instructions on the Law: Either before or after the closing arguments by the lawyers, the judge will explain the law that applies to the case to you. This is the judge's instruction to the jury. You have to apply that law to the facts, as you have heard them, in arriving at your verdict. You must consider all of the instructions and give them equal consideration. Keep in mind that you must follow the law as the judge states it to you. If the judge gives you an instruction that seems different from what you read here or another instruction given at another trial, you must accept the instruction given by the judge of the case you are deciding as correct and be guided by the judge's statement only. Be sure to ask questions if you don't understand.
When considering the evidence, an important difference exists between civil and criminal cases in the degree of proof required to sustain an accusation. In a criminal case, the defendant, in order to be convicted, must be proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil case, a party suing another has to prove that charge by a preponderance of the evidence. In every trial, the judge carefully explains the degree of proof required to reach a verdict. You should pay careful attention to the instructions on the degree of proof.
Deliberations by the Jury
After closing statements by the attorneys and the judge's instructions on the law, the bailiff or court attendant will take you to the jury room for deliberations. Your first duty when entering the jury room is to select a foreperson. The jury should carefully select a well-qualified foreperson. The foreperson's duty is to see that discussion happens in a free and orderly manner, that the issues you must decide are fully and freely discussed, and that every juror is given an opportunity to participate.
After you enter the jury room for deliberations, the exhibits that you are to consider are given to you. If you are not given written instruction from the judge on the law, you may request them. If you feel you need further instructions or to have certain testimony read back to you, inform the judge through the bailiff or the court attendant. Since these purposes can be accomplished only by returning everyone (including parties and lawyers) to the courtroom, you should not make these requests lightly. The procedure usually takes time, but this delay is understandable if you seriously believe doing so is necessary or helpful to you in reaching a verdict. There is a booklet, "Behind Closed Doors" that can assist jurors with the format of their deliberation. It is published by the American Judicature Society.
Quite often in the jury room the jurors may argue and have a difference of opinion. When this occurs, each juror should try to express his or her opinion and the reasoning supporting it. It would be wrong for a juror to refuse to listen to the arguments and opinions of the others or to deny another juror the right to express an opinion. Remember that jurors are not advocates, but impartial judges of the facts. By carefully considering each juror's opinion and the reasons behind it, it is usually possible for the jurors to reach a verdict. A juror should not hesitate to change his or her mind when there is a good reason. But each juror should maintain his or her position unless conscientiously persuaded to change that opinion by the other jurors. Following a full and free discussion with fellow jurors, each juror should vote only according to his or her own honest convictions.
General Information
- What to bring and wear
- Please bring:
- Your summons
- Your own bottled water in a sealed plastic or metal container. No glass is allowed.
- Proper attire is required in the courtrooms. No shorts, tank tops, tube tops or bare feet are permitted. No T-shirts with inappropriate pictures or messages are permitted.
- Do not bring any knives scissors, handwork needles, metal fingernail files, screwdrivers, tools or any other sharp objects, or items that may possibly be used as a weapon.
- Please bring:
- Restrooms are located in the hallway of the first and second floor.
- Public Telephones are located across the street in Memorial Hall in Willows.
- Children, relatives or friends are not permitted.
- Juror Eligibility: All U.S. citizens who are over the age of 18, a resident of the county that issued the jury summons, and are able to understand the English language are eligible to serve on a jury in the State of California. Of these people, only convicted felons, meaning anyone who has been found guilty of a serious crime and are on probation, cannot serve.
- Juror summons: Once you have received a jury summons, read the instructions carefully. If you have any questions, contact the jury office. Be sure to bring your summons with you when your report to court.
- Term of Service: Jury service is a "one day or one trial" term of service. If you are selected to serve on a trial, you will serve for the duration of that one trial. Average length of a trial is two (2) to five (5) days, although trials can run longer. If you are not selected for a trial during your service day, your service obligation shall be complete for one year.
- Compensation: California allows payment of $15 a day plus mileage, at the current rate according to federal standards, per mile both ways after the first day for jury service. Use of public transportation is also reimbursable up to $12.00 per day. For reimbursement, ask your local jury office or the bailiff in the courtroom for more specific information for your local court. Although this is only a fraction of the cost of each juror's time, the courts are working with the Legislature and the Governor to increase juror fees.
- Parking: There is ample parking at the courthouse parking lot.
- Security: People entering the courthouse may be searched. Purses, briefcases, or other containers may also be searched. Weapons are prohibited in the courthouse facility.
- Postponements: By law, no one who meets the basic criteria is automatically exempt from service. The law does provide for hardship excuses. Hardship is defined by law and includes no reasonable transportation, excessive travel, extreme financial burden, undue risk to physical property, physical or mental impairment for those over age 70, public health and safety, or no alternate care for another. If you believe you fall in any of these categories, contact your local jury office. Postponement may be available if you have health problems, a paid vacation, or other personal commitments that cannot be rescheduled at the time you are initially called. If you have already received one postponement during the past 12 months, you will probably have to come to court and speak to a judge to further delay your service.
- Orientation: You will be instructed regarding your jury service when you first appear.
- Job and School: Your employer must allow you time off to serve on a jury. This is the law. Section 230 of the California Labor Code is intended to prevent any employer from firing or harassing an employee who is summoned for jury service and who has given reasonable notice of when the employee is to serve. Notice is generally considered reasonable if it is given as soon as possible once the employee has been summoned. The California Education Code (§§ 44037 and 8 7036) and Rule of Court 5.5(d)(7) protect teachers, other school employees, and students as well. If you are harassed or fired, contact your local jury office or the judge assigned to your trial. If your employer has harassed you because of your service on a jury, contact the Department of Industrial Relation's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. You must complete a complaint form and turn it in to the Labor Board within six months from when the harassment happened. Remember to keep any certificate issued by the court clerk to prove that you served and for your employer's records.
- Excuses for Undue Hardship: In certain serious cases, the jury commissioner or the judge may excuse you for up to one year. These are called undue hardship cases. If you have a personal situation that stops you from being able to serve, write that reason on your summons and mail it back or call the jury office. When listing reasons such as medical, job, or dependent care issues, be prepared to provide documentation to receive a postponement and not an excuse.
- Disqualification: A person is disqualified or temporarily excused if he or she is a felon, nonresident, non-citizen, under a conservatorship, or in some cases, a peace officer. If you fall into one of these categories, contact the jury office to explain your situation.
Although we attempt to make jury service as convenient and efficient as possible, jurors should be advised that there will be times you will spend waiting. You may wish to bring something to occupy your time. Please note food or drink other than water is not permitted in the Courtroom.