eFiling Information
Pursuant to California Rules of Court 2.250 - 2.261 , Civil Code of Procedure Sections 1010.6 , and Standing Order GCSC 2025-SO-01the Superior Court of California, County of Glenn, accepts electronic filing (eFiling) as follows:
At this time, electronic filing in Glenn County includes all Civil case types and Juvenile Dependency for initial and subsequent filings, as well as subsequent filings only for Criminal, Juvenile Delinquency, and Traffic cases.
eFiling Service Provider (EFSP)
Electronic Filing may only be performed using an authorized eFiling Service Provider (EFSP). Visit the Odyssey eFileCA website for a list of available EFSPs. As each EFSP is an independent vendor, instructions for use of each site must be obtained from the corresponding provider.
eFiling Fees
Please be aware that each EFSP will also establish their own fees and rules for use. Some EFSPs may provide their services free of charge, while others may charge a per-filing or monthly flat rate fee. Some may also offer premium services that others do not. It is recommended that parties investigate the services provided by several EFSPs to determine which best meets their needs.
- In addition to any fees charged by the EFSP, a $3.50 per-transaction eFiling fee will be charged for each electronically filed “envelope” (an envelope is a single eFiling submission on a particular case that may contain one or more documents). This fee does not apply to Criminal case types.
- Parties paying filing fees by eCheck or credit card will also be subject to one of the following payment processing fees:
- Credit Card: A convenience fee equal to a percentage of the overall transaction amount (filing fee per the Court's fee schedule plus $3.50 eFiling fee, if applicable) or a minimum of $1.00, whichever is greater; or
- eCheck: A convenience fee equal to $0.25 per transaction.
Fee Waiver
The above fees will be waived for any party filing under an approved Fee Waiver or as a fee-exempt Government entity. Any usage fees charged directly by the EFSPs are outside the Court's control and cannot be waived by the Court.
eFiling Documents
Documents may be electronically transmitted to the court at any time of the day. Pursuant to CCP 1010.6(b)(3), any document received electronically by the court between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59:59 p.m. on a court day shall be deemed filed on that court day. Any document that is received electronically on a non-court day shall be deemed filed on the next court day.
The following items may not be electronically filed, regardless of the Case Type in which they are to be filed:
- Any will, codicil, or testamentary trust;
- Bond or undertaking;
- Subpoenaed documents;
- Financial institution documents, care facility documents or escrow documents as defined under Probate Code Sec. 2620, submitted by conservators, guardians, or trustees of court supervised trusts;
- California state vital records forms;
- Any documents with attachments/exhibits that cannot be accurately transmitted via electronic filing due to size or type;
- Documents typically submitted during the course of a proceeding (e.g. Trial Exhibits);
- Documents lodged with the court provisionally under seal;
- Documents for cases under seal;
- Labor Commissioner deposit of cash or check.